The Briar Cigar

The Briar Cigar has been thoughtfully designed -and skillfully hand-made to offer a satisfying smoking experience. While this pipe has been created to behave like a traditional tobacco pipe, it surpasses the standard in terms of its compact portability, supreme convenience, clever design, solid performance, and interestingly cool appearance.Morgan Pipes uses only the worlds finest briar, procured by Romeo Briar. Our pipes are produced by highly skilled craftsmen to give you only the finest engineering and finishes in your pipe.
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The Briar Cigar has been thoughtfully designed -and skillfully hand-made to offer a satisfying smoking experience. While this pipe has been created to behave like a traditional tobacco pipe, it surpasses the standard in terms of its compact portability, supreme convenience, clever design, solid performance, and interestingly cool appearance.Morgan Pipes uses only the worlds finest briar, procured by Romeo Briar. Our pipes are produced by highly skilled craftsmen to give you only the finest engineering and finishes in your pipe.